Heating edge

This week is by far the weakest week in my straight edge project. I made it only one time off to gym and it felt like a torture. You must know that the summer broke in to our country and the temperature increased drastically. It feels like you’re melting away the whole day. Another point why I didn’t made it off to gym is my nowadays tiredness. I feel a kind of burnt out and pretty exhausted at the moment because everything simply stresses me and I can barely catch a clear thought while concentrating on anything.

Straight Edge - wallpaper by ~x-vegan-x

I am proud to announce that there were no backlashs. I resisted alcohol and cigarettes and I kept to my latest rule change. My weight also did not increase and is a kind of stable for now. By the beginning of next week and after catching a looooot of sleep over the weekend I will definately go to gym every workday. There’s still the goal to reach 96kg (211.64lbs) by the beginning of my vacation in two weeks and by reaching the last milestone in this very first straight edge project of mine. Straight edge 2.0 is on its way…

Living straight edge

Something has to change, something real massive has to change – me.

My weight increased about 11kg during the past 6 months. Actually I stopped smoking and now I am smoking again. I stopped abusing alcohol and now I am drinking alcohol again. Disturbed by these three facts I decided to start a new personal project that will start on 15th May and will have its first big milestone 15th July. I will call it “Living straight edge” and by now it includes the following rules based on the straight edge movement

  1. Say no to alcohol! Do not drink alcohol!
  2. Say no to cigarettes! Do not smoke!
  3. Say no to caffeine! Do not drink coffee or coke and things like that!
  4. Say no to adiposity! Lose 10kg of weight and increase your stamina!
  5. Say no to any kind of drugs! Period!
  6. Say no to chocolate and candy! Subsist yourself healthy!
  7. Say no to couch potatoes! Do sport and fitness at least four times a week!

Like I said, these are the magic rules by now that I will try to follow from 15th May till 15th July. I will document progress in this blog and I will also let you know of the troubles and seducements I will have to handle and to face with. I am sure that this is a real hard project but life would be pretty boring without challenges. If this project lasts and survives until 15th July it will continue but the rules will change.